Student Resources
Students and early career scientists are the future of crystallography and structural science, and your fresh perspectives and innovative thinking are essential in driving the field forward. Students play a crucial role within the ACA, and we offer various programs to support early career scientists in attending and benefiting from the annual meeting.
ACA2024 offers a unique chance for individuals, particularly students and early career scientists, to participate in dynamic discussions, share innovative ideas, and cultivate collaborations that are poised to significantly enhance the progress of crystallographic research.It is our hope that this meeting will not only deepen your understanding of the field but also inspire you to push the boundaries of what is known and explore new frontiers in structural science.
Attending an academic conference can be financially overwhelming, but incredibly beneficial, especially to students. Students and young professionals make up an important component of the ACA and as such we offer a number of opportunities and resources to help you attend.
Our Commitment to Empowering Student Participation
Reduced Registration Rates & Hotel Block Discounts
We recognize the vital role students play in shaping our society. To support and encourage their participation, we are pleased to offer reduced registration rates and exclusive discounts on hotel room blocks. This initiative reflects our commitment to fostering inclusivity and ensuring that the next generation actively contributes to the vibrant discussions and collaborations at ACA2024.
Travel Grants
he ACA is committed to helping as many students and young scientists as possible attend ACA annual meetings. Each year we receive donations from individual members and businesses who share our commitment. From that fund, the ACA offers a limited number of travel grants each year to help students offset travel costs.
Student Worker Opportunities
The ACA student worker program provides aspiring early career scientists with a chance to gain valuable experience and earn income simultaneously. Join us at the front desk or engage in session monitoring for a hands-on learning experience!
Early career scientists play a crucial role within the ACA, and alongside our own travel grant fund, the IUCr generously provides additional funds to support their attendance to the ACA Annual Meeting in 2024.
Gender balance and the IUCr
The following statement on gender balance was proposed by the Executive Committee and approved by the General Assembly of the IUCr at the 24th Congress and General Assembly in Hyderabad, 2017.
The International Union of Crystallography strives to achieve gender balance in all its institutions and activities bearing in mind other diversity needs and its existing obligations to geographic and academic discipline representation where appropriate.
To achieve this aim the IUCr will adopt procedures to promote gender balance in respect of all of its activities including selection of candidates for positions on its Committees and Commissions. Those seeking support from the Union for Congresses, meetings, workshops and schools will also have to demonstrate their efforts to address gender balance.