Land Acknowledgment
As we plan to gather in the vibrant city of Denver, Colorado for the 74th Annual Conference of the American Crystallographic Association, we acknowledge that Denver is situated on the traditional territories of the Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Ute Nations. These indigenous peoples have lived on and cared for this land for generations, fostering a deep connection to its natural beauty and resources.
We recognize the historical and ongoing impact of colonization, forced removals, and systemic injustices that have disproportionately affected Native American communities. We also honor the resilience, strength, and contributions of indigenous peoples in the face of these challenges.
As we engage in meaningful discussions let us carry this acknowledgment with us. May it serve as a reminder of our collective responsibility to create a conference environment that is inclusive, respectful, and mindful of the diverse perspectives and experiences that enrich our professional community.
In the spirit of unity and understanding, let us commit to fostering a conference atmosphere that honors the land, its original caretakers, and the shared journey towards a more just and equitable future for all.